1. Introduction (08 Periods)
Evolution of wireless networks, wireline and wireless data networks, advantages
of mobile computing, networks, middleware and gateways, application, services
and security , Evolution of mobile communication system, paging system
2. Mobile Computing Architecture (10 Periods)
3-tier architecture, design considerations for mobile computing, mobile computing
through internet, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, SDMA
3. Cellular Networks (10 Periods)
GSM principles and architecture, GPRS architecture, EDGE,2G cellular
network,2.5 G wireless network, HSCSD,UMTS, 3G, CDMA Technologies
4. System design fundamentals (10 Periods)
Frequency reuse ,channel alignment strategies ,handoff strategies ,interference and
system capacity, improving converge and capacity in cellular system ,parameters
for mobile multipath channel, small scale fading
5. Wireless System and Standards (15 Periods)
Difference between wireless and wired telephone network, ISDN, development of
wireless network, Bluetooth, RFID, IEEE 802.11.a/b/g/n, Mobile IP, IPV6, JAVA
Card, Features of WIMAX,CDMA digital cellular standard
6. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) (06 Periods)
WAP, MMS, GPRS Applications
7. Operating Systems for Mobile Devices (05 Periods)
Design constraints in applications for handheld devices, palm and symbian OS
features and architecture, introduction to J2ME technology